Cream of the Crop 26
Cream of the Crop 26.iso
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443 lines
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;=============== MultiLog Analyser. Control file. =============
; Michael S.Zaiatz (2:450/74@Fidonet) ;
; ;
; ;
Address 2:450/74
; 4D FidoStyle address of Your system.
SysOp_Name Michael Zaiatz
; SysOp name.
Board_Name Cosmic Dust BBS
; BBS or Node Name
Phone 375-172-444437
; Phone nomber
Place Minsk, Belarus
; Geographical place City State
Path C:\Mail\T-Mail\T-Mail1.Log ;Line [01]
;Path C:\Mail\T-Mail\T-Mail2.Log ;Line [02]
;Path C:\Mail\T-Mail\T-Mail3.Log ;Line [03]
; Path & filename of T-Mail log file. Can be any qty of log files
; if Your system is multiline. Line numbering like order of Path
; strings here.
Tmp_Path C:\Temp
; Path to temporary directory, for example on virtual disk. If
; You don't need this, so comment out this line, in this case all
; temp files would be created & removed in multilog program
; directory.
Net_Path C:\Mail\Email\Net
; Path to Your NetMail directory. This parameter MUST BE
Day 30
; For how many days hold multilog database. 0 - all log file(s)
; don't depend of time, but You must remember that multilog can
; process not more than aproximatly 20000 sessions.
All_Files Yes
; If this is 'Yes' then when You will look for send/receive files
; list You will see all files including (.SU?,.SA?,.MO?,.TH?,
; .TU?,.WE?,.FR?,.XMA,.PKT,.PKH,.PKR,.XKT,.REQ,.?IC,.CFM).
; If 'No' then files other than listed above.
Delete_Log No
; BE CAREFUL. If You set this parameter to 'Yes' then Your log
; file would be deleted every time after processing, but all
; information about last N days specifyed by 'Day' keyword in
; this file would be saved in packed files multilog.bin &
; multi_fl.bin. This parameter is for saving Your HDD space.
; ATTENTION. If you BBS program checks log for send/receive files
; so You must not set this to 'Yes'. You must wait for relese of
; Multilog with this feature included :-)
Cut_Day 0
; Additional ability for log processing. If 'Delete_Log Yes' then
; here You can specify last N days to hold information in log
; file Sou You log file would work like queue with N days. If set
; to 0 then disabled.
Rescan 20
; Duration in minutes between automatic log rescanning. That is
; for multitasking systems like OS/2, WIN-NT, ets. when Your
; multilog is always running in the background. If You don't need
; AutoRescan then set this to 0 can be (0-9999)
;Freq_Dir C:\Mail\T-Mail\Dir.Frq
; Path & filename for Freq directories list file. If this parame-
; ter comment out DL counters would be not updated. If You start-
; ing Multilog with big log file first time counter update pro-
; cess may be _very_ long. So You can comment out this for fist
; run of Multilog. Next times this procedure works quickly.
;DL_Counter [00]
; How You DL counter would look like. [00] or [000] ets. If this
; comment out so there was not update of DL counters at all.
Bak Yes
; Create Bakup copyes of internal database files.
Cost 45
; Its cost of 1 minute phone call (0-9999).
Desktop No
; Its Only background fill of main window when You press CTRL+O
New_Info Yes
; Automatically show summary info (F2) on startup or not.
System_Show Yes
; If this 'Yes' then in 3 column You will see Boards Names
; If 'No' - then SysOps name.
; This feature can be toggled with 'space' key in program
End_List Yes
; Set cursor on last session on startup or not.
Enter_Down Yes
; After looking for session information (Enter) cursor
; automatically goes to next session line or not.
Insert_Down Yes
; After INSERT cursor goes to next line or not.
Mouse Yes
; If anybody frighten of mouses :-)
Screen_Saver 5
; Time in minutes of keyboard & mouse deactivity to run Screen
; Saver If You don't not need Screen Saver then set 0 here.
Animation Yes
; Enable / Disable animated windows open/close. This parameter
; for neuroses users must be set no No :-)
Color_Gluker Yes
; Same as previous :-) Enables / Disables colors in day / time
; indicator. Can be switched with mouse click on timer while in
; program.
; Statistic Section *
Day_Stat 1
; For how many last days generate statistics can be (0-999). 0 -
; All days that in 'Day' parameter specified.
Cur_Day_Stat No
; If set to No then Statistics would be generated only till 0:00
; of current day. If set to Yes then till moment when You press
; Generate Statistics key or run multilog /s
Midnight 00:00
; Here you can specify Start time of your station if it's not CM.
FidoDay_Length 24:00
; And here the length of your station working time. For example
; if your station working time is 20:00-07:00 then you can
; specify Midnight to 20:00 and FidoDay_Length to 11:00 and
; statistics would be generated only in this periods of the day.
Sessions_Graph Yes ;Graph about sessions
Busy_Graph Yes ;Line working graph
Link Yes ;Summary sessions statistics
Calls Yes ;Top10 Calls
On_Line Yes ;Top10 time On Line
Download Yes ;Top10 Downloaders
Upload Yes ;Top10 Uploaders
CPS Yes ;Top10 max CPS
ATS_MustDie Yes ;Top10 min CPS :-)
SysOp Yes ;SysOps statistics
Inbound Yes ;Inbound sessions list
Outbound Yes ;Outbound sessions list
Mailers Yes ;Mailers usage
Protocols Yes ;Protocols usage
Files_Link Yes ;File statistics on Links
Files_Type Yes ;File types statistics
Files_Date Yes ;All files on dates
Money_Link Yes ;Finance statistics
Money_Month Yes ;Finance totals on monthes
Traffic_Personal Yes ;Personal statistics [Traffic.Exe]
Traffic_Echo Yes ;Echomail statistics [Traffic.Exe]
Traffic_Days Yes ;Day statistics [Traffic.Exe]
; Which sections include to statistics report 'Yes' / 'No'
BBS_Stat Yes
; Put BBS (Human Calls) statistics in report or not.
Split_Line Yes
; Generate statistics separetely for each phone line or together.
System_Show_Stat Yes
; Look for System_Show parameter description, but this for stat
; report.
Stat_Path C:\Mail\T-Mail\Stat
; Path where to put text files with statistic report (.0??) where
; 0 is line nomber for multiline. If don't need then comment out
; and this files would be created in multilog program directory.
Delete_Stat Yes
; If set to Yes then text files with statistics would be
; automatically removed after posting or viewing statistics.
Flag_Dir C:\Mail\T-Mail\Flags
; Path for flags (semaphores). If not specifyed then program
; directory would be used for flags.
;Flag_Stat_Out Stat_Out.M-L
; This flag would be created by multilog after posting statistics
; It can be used for packing echomail. If this line is comment
; out then flag would not created.
;Flag_Stat_In Stat__In.M-L
; Multilog waiting for this flag (checks for it every
; Flag_Scan_Time period) and generates & post statistics if find
; it. After genereting statistics multilog removes this flag from
; Flag_Dir.
;Flag_Scan_Time 0
; Scan period in seconds (0-9999) of Flag_Dir path for
; Flag_Stat_In specifyed flag and if find it then generate & post
; statistics and continues scan If set to 0 then scan disabled.
Stat_Time 00:05
; Main way to generate statistics.
; 1. You can specify time like 00:00 or 22:18 or any other.
; 2. You can specify time and week day 1.22:30 or 7.18:10.
; where 1 - Mon, 2 - Tue ... 6 - Sut, 7 - Sun.
; 3. You can specify more then one statistics time, but they must
; be divided only by ',' char. No spaces between time:
; 23:00,5.16:30,19:30
; ^Friday
;Echo_Path $C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Stat_74
;Echo_Path $C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Tmp 2:450/45.390
;Echo_Path !C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Jam\Test
;Echo_Path !C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Jam\Test 555:55/18
;Echo_Path #67C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Hudson
;Echo_Path #65C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Hudson 2:5020/294.13
; Path to echomail areas in SQUISH, JAM, HUDSON format for
; statistics posting. Before path must be set char:
; $ - for SQUISH, ! - for JAM, # - for HUDSON
; for HUDSON You must specify Board Area Nomber after '#' char !!
; #13C:\Mail\Email\Echo\Hudson
; You can specify any qty of stringth for posting in different
; formats at once.
; If after Echo_path line specifyed fido style 4-D address then
; posting in this area would be from specifyed adress. It useful
; if you have adress in different nets. If adress is not
; specifyed then multilog will use main adress specifyed at the
; beginning of this file.
; Name To From
;NetMail "Sergey Yakovlev" "2:450/49.40" "2:450/45.390" "H"
;NetMail "Paul Drozdovich" "2:450/41.0" "2:5020/294" "C"
;NetMail "Denis V. Klimkov" "2:450/45.0" "555:50/18.0" "Hold to 4:00"
; This lines is for NetMail statistics posting. Name, To, From
; must be specifyed. Other parameters can be or not.
; "H" - hold
; "C" - crash
; "Any String" - put first string in letter.
; T-Mail could hold letters if at first line specifyed string
; like shown in examle for Denis V. Klimkov in letters for him
; Multilog puts first line 'Hold to 4:00' and T-Mail sends this
; netmail only after 4:00 ( look in documentation for T-Mail) :-)
; All fields must be specifyed in double quoters (").
Origin ░▒▓ Cosmic Dust BBS +375-172-444437 [22:30-07:00] ▓▒░
; Origin ;-)
; BBS Section *
BBS_Calls Yes
; Process Human calls (BBS) or not.
; Color Section *
;Color_Address 2:450/74.* White on Green
;Color_Address 2:450/45.0 Yellow on Magenta
;Color_Address 2:450/45.8 Yellow on Magenta
;Color_Address 2:450/45.108 Yellow on Magenta
;Color_Address 2:450/45.208 Yellow on Magenta
;Color_Address 2:450/56.0 White on Magenta
; To HiLight with different colors the addresses of Lovely Girls
; and Lovely Bosses and even anybody You wants. The number of hi-
; lights is limited only by Your fantasy :-) Also You can use
; Group adresses ex: 2:450/74.*
; Foreground: Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown
; LGrey, DGrey, LBlue, LGreen, LCyan, LRed,
; LMagenta, Yellow, White.
; BackGround: Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta,
; Brown, LGrey.
; Note: You can use all colors for BackGround but they
; would blink. (UNDOCUMENTED) ;-)
; Traffic Section *
;Traffic_Path C:\Mail\Pt
; Path of Traffic.Bin file.
;Sort 1
; Sorting: 0 - None
; 1 - Size
; 2 - Name
; 3 - Count
; Advanced Section *
IO_Buffer 3:1
; Advanced feature how to allocate memory buffers for
; Incoming/Outgoing sessions. For examle if your station not
; answers on a calls you can put here 1:100 or any you want. You
; must remember that total sessions that Multilog can process now
; is aproximatly about 20000.
;===================== End of Multilog.Ctl ======================
; Note:
; This file was translated from russian to english by Sergey
; Yakovlev 2:450/49.40@FidoNet. If You have any questions about
; this program you can ask me by NetMail.Excuse me for my English